Thoughts #5

“Thoughts” is (will be) a weekly roll-up of my mastodon feed with some notable thoughts collected into a long-form blog post. “Long form” is relative here, as I will only expand a little on some selected subjects, not write screens and screens of text on each of these subjects.

If you think I toot too much to follow, this is an alternative to follow some of my thoughts.

This week (2021-05-29 – 2021-06-04) I got very angry about this “you need an app for this” bullshit and some things died.

App madness

I am very angry (german) about every other service forcing me to install an app of some sort or another on my devices. This time it was my insurance that wanted me to install either a desktop application (Windows and Mac only) or a Smartphone app (Android or iOS only) just to update my bank account or address. How mad can they possibly be?

I reported them to #digitalcourage.

github actions

I probably said it before, but the more I play with #githubactions, the more I like it.

This is mainly due to the fact that the features are well-designed. You can make dependend jobs and you can even boot up #docker containers, if your application has to be tested against, for example, a database or some other service. I know that #github will never #opensource this, that's why I hope someone implements it as a FLOSS alternative!

Awesome Rust

It always amazes me how good the #rust standard library actually is. I was able to solve an issue in my codebase with a two-line patch that would have been way more complex in another language!

Dying things

First audacity, now stackoverflow (german) died.

What's next? I really hope we can develop alternative FLOSS platforms. For audacity, there are several alternative tools around that one can switch to. For stackoverflow, not so much. Especially because the software is only one part, the other part is the data. There are dumps of stackoverflow somewhere on the internet (I'm not linking because I don't know how legal these dumps actually are), so maybe someone can implement a FLOSS alternative (please make it federated or distributed) and import that dataset?

This would be awesome!