32c3 recap
My 2 cents on 32c3 – a short recap.
It. Was. Awesome.
No, really. I had not that much opportunities to talk to strangers, though it was an awesome congress and I really look forward to 33c3!
I talked a bit to the rust guys (less than expected, but anyways, yeah), watched several talks, including “fnord Jahresrückblick” and the Perl talk. They were sooo awesome! I really recommend to watch them online!
Sadly, I couldn't watch the “Security Nightmares” talk, as my train left at 18:30, but I watched it online and it was one of the most awesome talks.
As always after c3, I was completely exhausted afterwards (3 hours less sleep per night). But it was worth it.
I hope I have the opportunity to attend next year as well.